Celebrity Big Brother is back tomorrow night at 10pm on Channel 5.
23.11 – Dee says that the task "is going to kill her" as she loudly gobs off to David in earshot of the Americans.
Something tells us she isn't going to pass this secret mission…

23.05 – Deirdre the Duchess is unveiled to the crowd, after White's epic transformation. We've never seen her look so good!
She has to play along with the secret mission for the next 24 hours, but she walks straight into the house and greets George with an "alright sweetheart". Can you imagine the Queen saying that?
At least Claire is doing her best to play along, asking Dee if she should curtsey.

He's an Oscar-nominated actor who has stared alongside the likes of Patrick Swayzee and George Clooney.
He says appearing on the show is "an honour" and also had a good old flirt with Emma during his chat.
He then wouldn't go into the house as he was "briefed that Emma would have three questions for him". Things got a little bit awks as she didn't know what to do and had to escourt him up the stairs.

You'd be forgiven for asking "WHOOOOOO?", but she's a French-born porn star and reality TV regular better known as Frenchy.
It looks as if she may, possible have had some work done. Maybe.
She's hoping there's going to be some "sexy boys" in the house, and likes 18-23 year olds with blue eyes, six-packs, and who are "big downstairs".
She also suffered an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction after climbing the stairs to the house, flashing her undercrackers to the crowd.
After entering the house, she revealed she knows David as they "share the same agent". So that's what they're calling it these days.

He's best known for starring on Will and Grace and claims he never had to come out as he fell straight out of his mother's womb and into a pair of her heels.
He's also pretty tiny, and got very jealous of Emma's heels.
Expect jazzhands aplenty during his time in the house.

Big Brother calls everyone to the sofas to explain the Deirdre the Duchess twist.
They're then shown footage of Dee undergoing her makeover, and are told it is their job to help her pass the task by fooling the housemates who are still to enter about her true identity.
They're told Deirdre the Duchess is known for being in the tabloids for her bad behaviour.
22.18 – Next up, it's STEPHANIE PRATT!
She's best know for starring on The Hills and Made in Chelsea, where she dated Spencer Matthews.
She has CBB in her blood as her brother Spencer Pratt also starred on the show in 2012 with wife Heidi Montag.
She claims she's not a ditz as she studied Comparative Literature in Paris. Clever girl.
She hasn't seen the show before but was horrified when MIC's Lucy Watson showed her some clips online involving donkey balls.

He's obviously used to living in a telly house, and has probably got some tips for winning from co-star Charlotte Crosby, who was last year's champ.
He describes himself as charming, confident and good looking, and reckons his best feature is his six-pack. Although he was reluctant to show it off to host Emma. Feeling shy, Ricci?
He's up for having a relationship in the house, and is up for having sex in front of the camera.
And by the looks of it, he already knows Lauren who greeted him with a "fancy seeing you here!"

She's best known for being part of Irish pop group B*Witched, who appeared on The Big Reunion last year.
She wants to go into the BB house to "set the reboot button and start again".
She reckons she's sometimes too honest and will get annoyed if the loo is left dirty.
And of course, she strolled down the catwalk to C'est la Vie – what else?
She also likes to talk about her "time of the month", clearly. TMI.

He claims he's famous for being a coach potato on TV and getting pissed, and has a great with his mim, but isn't a mummy's boy.
The only shows he hates watching scripted reality TV shows, so he'll probably have no idea who Lauren is then.
He's irritated by underwear and hates wearing it, so that should go down well with his housemates.

She's the fifth TOWIE star to enter the CBB house after Amy Childs, Kirk Norcross, Mario Falcone and Sam Faiers all appeared in previous series.
She claims the tabloids "do her head in" and she's fed up of people talking about her weight and her boobs.
Selfie-addict Loz says she's never made a sex tape, but admits there's a tape out there that an ex-boyfriend leaked of "an intimate moment", and only spoke about it because someone else was going to.

"If you want to get paid for your next fight you will!" she replied.
We love her already.
21.45 – They're getting through them quick, and next in is AUDLEY HARRISON!
The boxer reckons he'll clash with other alpha males - Good luck James and David, then.
Audley revealed he has size 17 (!) feet and dwarfed Emma when chatting to her outside the house.

She changed genders earlier this year, and was previously known as boxing promoter Frank.
She doesn't want to lose the support of her family going in the house, but sees it as an opportunity to see how she's developed in a short space of time.
She hopes there's no backstabbing or bitching, or she threatened Frank Maloney will have to come back and sort them out!
Kellie received HUGE cheers from the crowd, who begun chating her name when she admitted she was terrified.

White Dee is called to the Diary Room by Big Brother and a fanfare sounds.
She's asked if she knows what it's like to live like a royal, and then BB reveals she will be transformed into a member of the royal family for a secret mission – Deirdre the Duchess of Solihull, 23rd in line to the throne.
She'll have to walk, talk and behave like a royal for the next 24 hours, and convince the final three celebs who enter the house that she really is royalty. They will be American and won't know who she is.
All the British housemates will be in on the mission and if they pass the task, they'll be living on champagne and caviar. If not they'll be living like pourpours.
Dee is then whisked off by Big Bro to be transformed into Deirdre the Duchess and will re-enter the house later.
21.25 – And we have our fourth houseguest – it's Mr Kelly Brook, DAVID MCINTOSH!
He says he doesn't love himself but "appreciates himself". Ahem.
He plans to bring cooking, dancing, comedy and eye candy to the house. And he wants to show people he isn't just a strong jawline and a set of abs. Modest, eh?

MR KELLY BOOK: David McIntosh enters the telly house [PA]
She played superb*tch Kim Tate on the show, and reckons she shares a few similarities with her old character. Eeek!
Her nightmare housemate is someone who hasn't worked or claims off the system. She should get on like a house on fire with White Dee then!

He reckons he was fired from the show for being too outspoken. He should prove to be the perfect housemate then!

21.06 – We have our first housemate! it's Benefits Street star WHITE DEE!
She isn't looking forward to living without fags and tea, and having to live with people who "bull**** all day". Errr, good luck then Dee!

A BIT OF ALL WHITE: White Dee enters the CBB house [PA]
20.47 – While you're waiting for all the action to kick off, why not relive all the best bits from CBB history. And yes, it does contain Jackie 'yeah, bwrakie' Stalone! Read 'em here.
20.31 – There's now just half an hour to go until proceeding kick off. WE CAN BARELY CONTAIN OUR EXCITEMENT!
20.25 – Big Brother have been posting sneaky snaps of the new housemates body parts on Instagram. How many of these lot (if any) can you guess?
20.21 – While we won't find out who will become the 14 new CBB stars until the launch show kicks off, there has been plenty of talk about it over the last few days. The line-up, or at least part of it, was leaked yesterday and you can check out those rumours here.
The Diary Room is now gold instead of pink. Rather nice isn't it?

20.12 – Welcome to our live coverage of the Celebrity Big Brother launch 2014! Exciting isn't it?! A new batch of celeb housemates will enter the telly house during tonight's launch show, but who will they be?
As ever, Emma Willis will be on hand to welcome them all to their new home, before Big Brother gets hits dirty hands on them. What will he have up his sleve for them?
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