The Benefits Street star – real name Deirdre Kelly – receives state handouts and recently said she would continue to do so as she was "not doing anything wrong".“Myself and Dee are willing to go and meet with David Cameron, any time, any place”Barry Tomes
After the controversial Channel 4 programme aired, Dee, 42, was the media's most wanted person for TV chat shows, guest appearances and panel debates.
Since the show finished Dee has released a rap record, DJ'd in her home town of Birmingham and travelled to Magaluf, but claimed she has not made any significant profit.
Her agent Barry Tomes has tirelessly stated how the trip to Magaluf was all-expenses paid and he is willing to meet with the politicians who believe she is earning extra money on the sly.
He said: "Myself and Dee are willing to go and meet with David Cameron, any time, any place.
"We have nothing to hide."

He said: "If people start earning money, we can take away their benefits money.
"If someone’s benefits aren’t appropriate they should be taken away."
The jobless mum receives £214 a week from a combination of Employment and Support Allowance – formerly known as incapacity benefit – child tax credit, child benefit, plus £500 a month in housing benefit.
Dee said: “I’m definitely not making millions, I’m not even earning thousands. I don’t want to make public how much I made but at the same time I’ve got nothing to hide.
“I report everything I make to the authorities. It’s up to them when I come off benefits.”

The mum-of-two hit back at claims that she lowered the tone of the holiday destination and insisted she actually raised it.
She wrote on Twitter: “The question of the day is, ’Is it really possible to lower the tone of Magaluf’? I think I might have raised the tone of Magaluf, not lowered it. Lol x It’s all advertising.”
Dee suffers from depression and has done for over seven years, which led many to criticise her for taking a holiday.
Mr Tomes said her illness started with the postnatal depression she suffered after giving birth to her first child.
He believes that once Dee is well enough she could earn up to half a million pounds by 2015.
He added: "I've taken Dee for four job interviews to show people she's not afraid of work."
The jobs are said to be run-of-the mill, blue-collar employment that could see her earning an honest living.
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