Rebekah Dawson, 22, and her husband Royal Barnes, 23, recorded and uploaded three videos shortly after the murder in Woolwich, south east London, last May.
Barnes was jailed for five years and four months at the Old Bailey after pleading guilty last month to three counts of disseminating a terrorist publication and one of inciting murder.
His wife, who insisted on wearing her veil in court, admitted charges of disseminating a terrorist publication and was sentenced to 20 months in prison.

Rebekah Dawson and her husband Royal Barnes uploaded three videos to YouTube shortly after Rigby's murder last may. Today, a judge sentencing the couple said the footage was 'offensive in the extreme'
Judge Brian Barker QC told them the videos they made were 'offensive in the extreme'.
Judge Brian Barker QC told them the videos they made were 'offensive in the extreme'.
Barnes and Dawson of Hackney, north east London, embraced in the dock and insisted they would not be separated by a security guard at the start of the hearing.
Before sentencing, the judge asked Dawson’s lawyer to confirm the defendant was the woman in the dock in the full veil.
The court heard the first of the three videos was made on the day Fusilier Rigby was murdered, with Barnes hailing it as a 'brilliant' day.

Dawson, pictured without her veil as a teenager. The Muslim convert hails from a devoutly Christian family
It was edited with graphic images of a man holding a decapitated head, a scene of the Woolwich murder and the Twin Towers, and sent on YouTube the following day.
The second video contained the same edited images and saw Dawson ranting about how British troops would be killed on the streets of London.
Then in a follow-up, Barnes mocked the outpouring of public grief, laughing uncontrollably as he drove past floral tributes with Dawson.
Barnes, who knew one of the murderers, Michael Adebowale, also posted on Facebook the offer of a reward for avenging the rape of an Iraqi woman. None of his 500 friends replied.
The post on June 12 2013 stated: 'Any1 who kills an invading soldier in Muslim land I will give them a Vauxhall Astra 3door and money (French British American any kaffir soldier take ur pick).'
Judge Barker told the couple: ‘Within hours of the murder of Lee Rigby you two together had produced the first versions of videos that glorified that murder and glorified terrorist acts.
‘You both knew perfectly well what you were doing, you knew it was illegal and also you realised they would cause enormous offence and distress. Each of you played an equal part in producing these videos.

Dawson appears at the Old Bailey today where she was jailed for 20 months. Her husband was jailed for five years and four months
The judge sentenced Barnes to 26 months in jail for each of the three counts relating to the YouTube videos.
Dawson was sentenced to 20 months' imprisonment for each of the first three charges, to run concurrently.
Mr Barker said the charge of inciting murder was more serious because it 'encouraged others to carry on the war against the West' and kill soldiers.
Mr Barker told the couple: 'Freedom of speech has long been jealously regarded by the law but with that freedom comes respect and responsibility.'
Naeem Mian, representing Barnes, said that Barnes came from a deeply dysfunctional background as was ‘preyed upon’ by Muslim extremists.
In mitigating for Barnes, Naeem Mian told the court: 'There are no ifs, no buts, no maybes, Mr Barnes makes it absolutely clear that these are idiotic acts borne out of breathtaking stupidity.'
Dawson's lawyer Susan Meek said her client, who had been studying at university, also came under the influence of others and her dreams of becoming a teacher were now in tatters.
She said: 'Over the last nine months, her faith and dress has been put under national and international limelight and it has caused her to reflect deeply about her belief and the way she lives her life and her religion.
'There is an understanding from her all she wants now is to live a life quietly, legally, as a wife to her husband and have a family.'

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